Sunday, August 4, 2013

Farewell Cold Showers

August 3 -
This morning was my last cold shower, guarded by Pablo and Pedro in the bathroom of the aunt's house since workers are currently reconstructing the space.  Showers definitely feel special here, but I can't say that I will miss the piercing water.  Last night was Maria's birthday celebration with a live band (accordian and drums) but I was so tired for some reason, so wasn't as active a dancer as last time.  Just a few minutes ago, I was sitting in the grass with a bunch of ladies and their kids, resting after a large lunch cooked outdoors.  My internal clock won't allow me to sit for as long as they can with a full stomach, so I decided to begin this post.

I was told that I have a 'virgin face' today and further that I should wear a white dress covered with flowers to frollic around.  Not sure exactly what that means....  The women have been asking me when I will come back; I don't think they realize how far the US really is and how expensive plane tickets are.  But they are waiting on the return of myself and my mom..... :)  What else have we done this last week?  Hmmmm, Jaclyn and I took another really long beautiful walk that I will miss, helped out with the thursday feria, harvested corn in Dona Marina's garden, finished up interviews, and shared our observations and visions for the Mother's Club.  Since my last post we also celebrated Peru's independence day, with a flag raising, parade of students and anyone involved with the municipality, and night program featuring dances and a lantern display around town.

More than anything I will miss the times alone with Pablo, Pedro and Dona Marina.  I'm not sure I could take a lifetime of younger brothers, but the month with two more siblings has been one I will not forget.  I wish I could bring them back to the US to welcome them into my home, before they are grown and start acting like teenage boys.  Dona Marina always says, 'me da risa la Maya,' meaning I make her laugh.  Although sometimes I only understand part of what she is telling me, and I've struggled to comfort her in Spanish when she has begun crying as she told me about her past struggles with her husband, I have found Dona Marina the most welcoming and easy to talk to woman of all that I have met in Peru.

August 4 -
Today, our final day in Lamud, was the Pagua de la Tierra celebration, expressing thanks to Pachamama or mother earth.  Unfortunately, I have managed to stay basically healthy the entire stay in Lamud, yet the very last day my stomach gave way.  I don't know if it was the water or the excessive use of oil in the soup yesterday, or what it was exactly, but I have felt horrible and on the verge all day today.  It was difficult rejecting the drinks and food that I was offered all afternoon, and I had to remove myself from the crowd of Peruvians during lunch, but the ceremony was still beautiful.  The hike up to Vulcon was treacherous; I was drenched in sweat by the end and my stomach churning.  A map of Peruvian bearing seeds and crops from all across the country was laid on the ground and a priest led a service uniting religion with ecology and the land.  I wish I could have been more present today, but what are you gonna do.  I just hope my stomach is feeling better tomorrow morning for the 21 hour bus ride back to Lima.....

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